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St Mary's Primary & Nursery School, Bellaghy, Magherafelt


2023/2024 School Year

28th Feb 2024
It was like visiting NASA when P2 were invited to P5 to see the Rockets they had...
28th Feb 2024
P2 had lots of fun going on a Number Hunt with a partner from P1. Team work and problem...
28th Feb 2024
We have been learning all about compound words in P.3.
28th Feb 2024
We have been exploring the 100 square and looking at patterns and tricks we can use...
28th Feb 2024
We were exploring partitioning 2 digit numbers into tens and units.
28th Feb 2024
Primary 3 and 4 pupils joined together to complete a Number Hunt around our school....
28th Feb 2024
We are very lucky to have Mrs Carey as our PE coordinator. We got to do some yoga...
28th Feb 2024
We got a chance to make St. Brigid crosses. Thank you to the P.7 pupils who gave...
28th Feb 2024
We have been learning how to use a ruler to measure centimetres and draw straight...
28th Feb 2024
We have been learning about people in our community who help us this month.